Monday, August 1, 2005

August 2005 Roadtrip SF to Vancouver

2005 roadtrip pacific northwest - SF to vancouver from jim on Vimeo.

A vacation slideshow of our roadtrip from SF to vancouver. We mostly camped but stayed in a hotel our last night in vancouver and ended with a pearl jam show. Places visited included: rogue river, castle kraggs, mt shasta, willamette region of oregon, north bend oregon, portland, seattle, snoqualame falls. Later found out my wife was pregnant during the trip.

Trip to NYC 2005

Trip to NYC to visit sister from jim on Vimeo.

This is a slideshow of our trip to the east coast. We were joined by Robert, Pia, and Ceci. Got to go up the empire state building, went to the beach. Most importantly it was our last vacation with Lola Elisa who would pass away in 2008. She had the time of her life

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Yosemite 2005 with the homies

Yosemite 2005 with the Homies from jim on Vimeo.

Trip to Yosemite with the homies 2005
This is the year we stayed in the housekeeping tents slept in cots and Bilal showed up at 1pm on the night before the hike to Half Dome
And he was sick

Friday, April 1, 2005

April 2005 Costa Rica

2005 Costa Rica - slideshow - email quality from jim on Vimeo.

Little slideshow I made for our vacation in costa rica.

Saturday, January 1, 2005

2005 January - Pulp Sno Bash

2005 Pulp Sno Bash from jim on Vimeo.

A mini video of my dogs and I doin some dogboarding. I made this video when I was just learning basic movie editing.